Next: Homework
Up: Off-lattice Monte-Carlo Simulations. Lennard-Jones
Previous: Detailed balance
- 1.
- Cutting-off the Lennard-Jones potential
leads to:
- no error in pressure
- more positive pressure
- less positive pressure
Check the correct answer and explain.
- 2.
- Would the following modifications of the MC
algorithm described in this lecture still satisfy
the detailed balance? Why?
- (a)
- We try to move the odd numbered particles
twice as frequent as the odd particles.
- (b)
- The maximum allowed displacement along x
is three times larger, than along y
- (c)
- Only displacements in positive x
or y directions are allowed.
© 1997
Boris Veytsman
and Michael Kotelyanskii
Tue Nov 11 18:36:02 EST 1997