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Self-Consistent Field Theory

Inhomogeneous systems

In the previous lecture we obtained for Ising lattice:  
 A = \frac{JzM^2N}{2} - NkT\ln\Bigl(2\cosh\bigl(\beta(H +
 JzM)\bigr)\Bigr) \end{displaymath} (1)
This is for homogeneous systems. Now M depends on x. We introduce layers normal to x axis:
and M becomes M(l).

Consider a simple cubic lattice. Each spin in the layer l has z=6 neighbors:

Changes to equation (1): substitute N by sum over layers. Then:

The first term describes mean interaction of a given spin with z neighbors. Substitute zM2 for


The second term describes molecular field acting on a given spin (in the layer l). Substitute zM by


Gradient expansion

Magnetization M(l) changes at distances much larger than the lattice size a0
This means that the difference between neighboring layers is small:

M(l+1)-M(l)\ll M(l)\end{displaymath}

We substitute M(l) by a smooth function M(x) and use the expansion

 M(x+a_0) &= M(x) + a_0\frac{\partial M(x)}{...
 ...2}{2}\frac{\partial^2 M(x)}{\partial x^2}+\dots 


 \bigl[M(x+a_0)+M(x-a_0)+(z-2)M(x)\bigr] &= \\ zM(x) +
 a_0^2\frac{\partial^2 M(x)}{\partial x^2} 


We see that in SCF A can be represented as

A = \sum_{\text{layers}}A_l\end{displaymath}


A_l = A_l\left(M(x),a_0^2\frac{\partial^2 M(x)}{\partial x^2} \right) \end{displaymath}

We will not solve the resulting non-linear equations, but rather use this in the Landau theory.

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© 1997 Boris Veytsman and Michael Kotelyanskii
Thu Oct 16 20:58:44 EDT 1997